• (971) 808-CURL (2875)
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Curling Etiquette

In addition to the standard rules of the game, curling has some common etiquette that help maintain the dignity and fun of the game for everyone.

Be On Time
Arrive at least 5 or 10 minutes before your scheduled draw time. This allows you time to change into clean shoes and get prepared and chat with anyone in the viewing area before the game.
Be prepared to start at the designated time
If you are unable to make a game, advise your skip ahead of time and arrange for a spare. There is a spares list in the lounge area.
Greet each member of opposing team
Greet with a handshake and a wish for "Good Curling"
Be ready to play when its your turn
As soon as your opponent has delivered (released) his or her rock, step into the hack and get your own rock ready. Be ready and waiting for your skip’s instructions by the time your opponent’s rock comes to rest. Every end should take a maximum of 15 minutes – do your part to make sure your team stays on time.
Quiet when opponents are delivering rock
If you are waiting to play, stand quietly well behind the curler on the carpeted area and out of reach of the broom. If you are an opposing sweeper, stand at the side of the sheet beyond the hog line.
Be ready to sweep your teammate's rock at any time
It is the skip’s job to determine whether sweeping is needed to maintain the desired line; it is the sweepers’ job to determine whether sweeping is needed because the rock is lighter than what was called for, but the skip may still call you off. Let the skip know if you think the rock is heavier or lighter than what she or he called for. Even if the skip called you off, you may hear a desperate call for sweep. Always be prepared.
Be a good sport
Compliment a good shot by either side. Never comment negatively on a teammate’s or opponent’s poor shot or bad luck. If you make a poor shot yourself, keep your temper.
Shake hands after the game
Win or loss, thank each of the opposing players for the game with a handshake and spend social time with them in the club. Its customary for each member of the winning team to offer to buy a beverage for his or her counterpart on the losing team. The offer is later reciprocated by the members of the losing team.
Burnt stone
Allow it to finish its course and inform the skips.
The ice-man is proud of his ice
Sitting/resting/kneeling on the ice deteriorates the ice. It is okay to touch the ice when you are moving but not when you are stationary. If you have old grippers that are leaving debris on the ice, replace them.
Vice skips determine the score for each end
At the conclusion of the end, only the vice-skips are in the house to determine the score of the end. No rocks are moved until the vice-skips agree. The vice-skips are responsible for measuring if necessary, and for posting the score on the scoreboard.

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Upcoming Events

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

Bend Curling Club

61149 South Highway 97
PO Box 550
Bend, Oregon 97702

(971) 808-CURL (2875) 

✉ [email protected]

We Curl At

The Pavilion
1001 SW Bradbury Dr.
Bend, OR 97702


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