Interested in becoming a Bend Curling Club member?
New and non-current (did not curl in previous year) members can become BCC members by clicking on the link below and registering to become a 2024/25 BCC member. Membership in Bend Curling Club is required to register for league play as a participant or a sub, and all new and non-current members who become BCC members will be eligible to register for Fall and Spring Leagues.
After purchasing a BCC membership, BCC will give you account access to our members-only page on this website. Sign-in will be required to view members-only page (including league registration).
Register Now
Listed are a few of the many benefits of membership in Bend Curling Club
- Access to register for member-only curling leagues (additional fee)
- Substitute on a team at no additional cost for league players and no cost for non-league players
- Membership in Bend Ice (umbrella organization that coordinates ice time at the BPRD Pavilion)
- Membership in Pacific Northwest Curling Association
- Membership in USA Curling Association
- Membership in US Women's Curling Association (women only)
- Supplementary Liability Insurance through USA Curling (required of all participants by BPRD)
- Subscription to USA Curling publication, US Curling News
- Opportunity to compete in USA Curling National Championships
- Right to vote in BCC elections
- Right to hold office on the BCC Steering Committee
- Attend BCC social events
- Access to members website